"I knew forgiveness was important but I never realized how important until I put it into practice. I was able to put some unresolved feelings behind me and help me to focus on the future instead of the past."

"What has become more clear is that Jesus is the only way, there is no other way. I have become way more aware of my thoughts and I have become much quicker to repent of fear, worry, and anxiety. I am now clearly understanding that those things are sin and as I run to Jesus and repent and receive forgiveness, I develop a more intimate relationship with HIM. I have become more aware of his presence, and his willingness to help me in every area of my life..... I am grateful!"

"Since attending I now have a heart connection to my Christianity and a stronger relationship with Holy Spirit. I have grown in my knowledge in certain areas and that knowledge has opened up my heart."

"With more trust in Him, I am not as discouraged over situations that overwhelmed me before. I’m trying to look at certain issues in the best light and not so much of the negative. Giving it all to Jesus to help me through the emotions and thoughts that rob me of peace and joy."

"I have pealed back my defenses and been honest with myself about anger, hurt, false beliefs and obstacles I have not been aware that I have placed in the way of my relationship with Jesus. I have increasingly gone to Holy Spirit for guidance and direction."